Question 2
(a) Explanation of mating methods in farm animals
(i) Hand mating: It is a mating method in which the farmer identifies a female on heat and brings it together with the male for mating, after which the female is returned to its pen.
(ii) Pen mating: In this method, a group of male and female animals are kept together in an acceptable ratio for mating in the same pen or enclosure.
(iii) Pasture mating: This is a method where male and female animals are allowed to run together whiles grazing on the field so that they can mate freely on the field.
(b) (i) Advantages of mating methods Hand mating
Mating can be scheduled and confirmed.
The line of offsprings can easily be identified.
Records can be adequately kept.
Indiscriminate mating is prevented.
It can prevent inbreeding.
The frequency of use of the male can be regulated.
Desired characteristics can be preserved.
Probable date of parturition can be easily calculated.
Less risk of injury to breeding animals.
Animals can be examined before and after mating.
Advantages of pen mating
Requires less labour.
Does not need experienced handlers.
Female animals are more aroused and receptive.
Degree of success in mating is higher than for hand mating.
Cost of keeping animals is lower.
Heat checking skills is not needed.
Advantages of pasture mating
Success of mating is high
Required low labour input
Low housing cost since both male and female animals are kept together
Females on heat are easily detected
Aggressive and high libido males can easily be identified
Decreased handling of methods
Easy to practice
(ii) Disadvantages of mating methods Hand Mating
It requires experienced handlers to detect animals on heat.
Cost of keeping male and female animals separately is very high.
It requires more labour. Male and female animals may reject each other, this may result in
unsuccessful mating.
Pen mating
Males may be overworked and become easily exhausted.
The sire may not be known and therefore the female animal may not accept it.
Competition among males may lead to injury or death of animals.
Date of parturition is less predictable ( that is, it makes it difficult to estimate the date of parturition).
Lower conception rate may occur.
Pasture Mating
Date of parturition is less predictable.
May be difficult to identify the sire/inbreeding rate could be very high.
Record keeping is very difficult. Mating/parturition cannot be planned.
May be difficult to preserve desirable characteristics.
Competition among males could lead to failed mating.
Undesirable characteristics may be transmitted to future generations.
Transmission of diseases is common.
(c)Methods of semen collection from bull
Use of dummy/teaser.
Use of artificial vagina.
Use of electro-ejaculator.
Use of had massage.