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WASSCE Animal Husbandry 2018 – Paper 1

WASSCE Animal Husb. 2018
1. Hay could be described as forage material which has been
2. Which of the following farm animals is a non ruminant herbivore?
3. In the alimentary canal of poultry,grit is found in the
4. Micro ties in the rumen of farm animals aid in the fermentation of
5. A wedge-shaped body conformation in cattle is a desirable feature of
6. Trocar and canula are equipment used in the treatment of
7. Which of the following activities is associated with light in poultry production?
8. Which of the following plants species are legumes? I. Andropogon sp II. Centrosema sp Ill. Pueraria sp
9. Aspergillosis could be contracted through the ingestion of
10. Ruminant production is widely practiced in the northern regions than the southern regions of West Africa because
11. Which of the following factors is not a reason for culling in sheep production?
12. The main climatic factor which directly influences milk production in cow is
13. Which of the following statements about snails are correct? I. They are hermaphrodites II. They have radula III. The body is divided into two parts
14. A castrated pig is called
15. Which of the following nutrients is tested by using sodium hydroxide and copper sulphate solution?
16. The incidence of pests and diseases in farm animals is usually highest in
17. Which of the.following activities are carried out when dressing chicken? I. Scalding II. Singeing III. Slaughtering
18. A function of the liver in farm animals is
19. Which of the following organs are part of the oviduct of hen? I. Infandibulum II. Isthmus III. Ovaries
20. One of the ways of preventing overlaying in piglets is to
21. The recommended breeding ratio of males to females in grasscutter production is
22. Which of the following factors affect the hatchability of eggs? I. Colour of eggs II. Disease III. Nutrition
23. Tick infestation of cattle could be effectively controlled by
24. If the space required by a bird in a poultry house is 0.25m², determine the number of birds that could occupy a space measuring 20 m by 16 m
25. One of the signs which associated with the approach of parturition in goats is
26. The quality of rice strawn fed to animals could be improved by treating it with
27. Which of the following ingredients are sources of fats and oils in animal diet? I. Groundnut cake II. Palm kernel cake III. Blood meal
28. Poultry houses should generally be oriented in
29. The most important climatic factor which influences the distribution of animals in Ghana is
30. The daily water intake of an ewe is 3.50 litres. If its water intake increase by 45% when it becomes pregnant, determine its new daily water intake
31. Which of following organs could be found in the visceral hump of edible snails I. Digestive Organs II. Excretory organs III. Reproductive organs
Use the diagram below to answer questions 32 to 35
32. The instrument illustrated is called
33. The instrument is used for
34. The part of the instrument labeled I is called
35. The part of the instrument labeled II contains
36. The correct sequence of arrangement of the vertebrae from the anterior to the posterior end of the vertebral column is
37. Using a bull to cow ratio of 1 :25, determine the number of cows that could be served by 40 bulls
38. Which of the following statements about ostriches are correct? I. They are unable to fly II. They produce hide III. They are hardy
39. What do the hormones progestrone and oestrogen have in common? They
40. If ewe gets pregnant on 1st March, determine the likely date of lambing
41. Fibrous feeds could be utilized by ruminants because
42. Which of the following activities are effective in controlling tapeworms in cattle production I. Regular drenching and drugs II. Feeding animals with balanced diet III. Cooking meat properly
43. Piglets are normally injected with iron dextran in order to prevent
44. Which of the following combination of plants will constitute a good pasture?
45. The freshy cut forage fed to livestock in their housing units is referred to as
46. The most important source of carbohydrate in livestock fed in West Africa is
47. Which of the following forage crops is a legume?
48. In which part of the stomach of ruminants do bacteria and fungi exist in large quantities
49. Hay is fed to a dry cow primarily for the purpose of
50. In the digestive system of turkeys, grinding of feed takes place in the