(a) Characteristics of eggs for hatching
Colour (brown/white): The colour of the eggs should be brown or white.
Clean eggs: The eggs should be clean devoid of any form of dirt.
Smooth-shelled eggs: The eggs for hatching should be smooth not rough.
No cracks: The eggs for hatching should be devoid of any form of cracks.
Oval shaped: The eggs for hatching should be oval in shape but not round.
Single yolked: Single yolked eggs are ideal for hatching, double yolked egss should be avoided.
50-60g in weight: The ideal weight of eggs selected for hatching should be between 50-60g. Lesser weight egss should be discarded.
Fertile: Eggs for hatching should be a fertile resulting from sexual activity between males and females not those laid by only females.
Thick-shelled: Relatively thinned eggs shell should not be selected for hatching.
(b) Causes of low egg production in layers
Age of bird: As a laying bird ages, the number of eggs laid reduce. Egg production is also relatively low in younger birds.
Incidence of disease: Diseases mpair the physiological function of the birds hence poor egg production. Birds also use energy to fight the diseases they are suffering from.
Pests Infestation: Birds become listless, stressful and pests can deprive birds of nutrients leading to low egg production. Pests may also transmit diseases.
Low quality of feed: When nutrient imbalance occur, it leads to low egg production.
Low quantity of feed: Low quality feed may not provide sufficient energy for maintenance of body activities also underfeeding of birds also lead to low egg production.
Inadequate supply of water: Egg contains a lot of water hence if water intake is inadequate, egg production will be low.
Breed of Birds: Certain breeds are naturally poor layers. If poor breeds are selected, low egg laid may occur.
Poor Housing: Poor ventilation, windy conditions, leakages etc. may dispose birds to disease and stress hence low egg production.
Frequent Disturbance: Frequent disturbances resulting from the removal of litter, removal of eggs, all creates noisy condition, and create pressure on laying birds resulting in low egg production of birds.
Intensity and Duration of light: High light intensity creates stress resulting in low. egg production. With extended light, birds consume more feed, put on fat and become broody resulting in low egg production.
Broodiness in Layers: Broody hens do not lay eggs due to hormonal imbalance.
Overfeeding: Birds which put on weight/ fat due to overfeeding by birds lead to low poor production.
Moulting of Birds: Period of moulting is a resting stage and this lead to low egg production.
Cannibalism among birds: Birds that are pecked and put under stress and this lead to poor egg production.
Stress: Other stressful conditions such as extremes of temperature, deworming, vaccination can cause egg production to drop drastically.
(c)Steps involved in preparing boilers from slaughtering to marketing stage
Plucking of feathers
Pinning/ singeing
Cutting off neck
Giblet preparation
Chilling/ storage