(a)Qualities of a good pasture plant
(i) Resistant to disease.
(ii) Easy to establish.
(iii) High growth rate.
(iv) Ability to withstand drought.
(v) Palatable.
(vi) High leaf to stem ratio ability to withstand trampling.
(vii) Nutritious.
(viii) High digestibility.
(ix) Ability to recover after grazing/ burning
(b) Disadvantages of natural incubation of eggs
• Egg may be exposed to predators.
• Exposure to unfavorable weather/climatic conditions.
• Comparatively low hatchability.
• No candling so non fertilized eggs may be included./ waste time sitting of unfertilized.
• Chicks may be infested by diseases. Chicks may be infested by pests.
• Eggs may be stolen.
• Hen may, abandon the egg.
• Egg may be broken by hens.
• Not suitable for commercial chick production / number of eggs to hatch
(c)Importance of management practices
(i) Castration
• Animal becomes docile.
• Prevent spread of veneral diseases.
• Eliminate indiscriminate mating.
• Improves the flavor of meat e.g. Goat.
• Meat of castrated animals is tender.
• Prevents inbreeding. Improves the texture of meat.
• Eliminates odour of male goat
(ii) Dehorning
• Prevents animals from; hurting each other
• Makes handling of animals easier
• Gives animals more room/space
• Less space is required when transportation animals,
• Animals are less likely to be entangled in the bush/fence.
• Prevents damage to form structure/ equipment
(iii) Identification
• Easy recognition of animals/ minimizes conflict over ownership
• Facilitates record keeping
• Reduces theft of livestock
• Makes medication easier
• To select proven animals for breeding