February 8, 2022 WASSCE Animal Husbandry WASSCE Animal Husbandry 2014 – Paper 1 WASSCE Animal Husb. 2014 1. An example of a nutritional deficiency disease in farm animals is Contagious abortion Night blindness Rinderpest Anthrax 2. Ration that contains all the nutrients in correct proportions for feeding farm animals is a Production ration Maintenance ration Balanced ration Concentrate 3. Which of the following farm animals has only one functional ovary? Cow Ewe Hen Sow 4. The first cervical vertebra in farm animals is the Atlas Femur Sternum Tibia 5. Which of the following criteria is used for classifying the ystems of poultry farming? Breeds of birds Age of the stock Type of feeding equipment Housing type 6. The function of the crop in the digestive tract of a fowl is to Store food Digest food Grind food Absorb food nutrients 7. Which of the following factors is of least important when formulating rations for layers? Composition of nutrients Ambient temperature Physiological state of the animal Familiarity of the feed to animals 8. The element that is important in maintaining electrical potential across cell membranes of nerves and musdes is Calcium Iron Sodium Zinc 9. Which of the following factors could promote the build-up of parasites on a livestock farm? I. Feeding animals on contaminated feed II. High humidity conditions III. Keeping animals in a single paddock I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III only 10. Which of the ruminant stomach compartments is glanlular? Abomasum Omasum Reticulum Rumen 11. A polled cattle is one that has Horns No horns Humps No humps 12. The process of removing the internal organs of poultry after slaughter is known as Dressing Evisceration Pinning Singeing 13. A gimmer is a young female Cattle Goat Pig Sheep 14. Which of the following farm animals is affected by foot and mouth disease? Duck Pig Rabbit Sheep 15. The period between fertilization of an ovum and the birth of a young one in farm animals is known as Brooding period Gestation period Heat period Lactation period 16. Dicalcium phosphate is a feedstuff that Increase fertility in ewe Provides energy for work Repairs worn out tissues Promotes strong bone formation 17. Which of following animals is usually protected from liver fluke infestation? Cattle Dog Grasscutter Poultry 18. Thrynomys swinderianus is the scientific name of Grasscutter Pig Rabbit Turkey 19. A broiler gained 1.5 kg weight after consuming 2.5 kg feed. Determine the feed conversion ratio 0.6:1 1.0:1 1.7:1 4.0:I 20. Which of the following signs indicate that a cow is on neat? I. The cow sleeps most of the time II. The cow becomes restless III. Discharge of a thick colourless secretion from the vulva I and II only I and II only II and III only I, II and III 21. One of the reasons for castrating a ram is to Create more space for animals Control animal movement prevent indiscriminate mating Promote early weaning 22. Parturition in rabbit is known as Candling Kidding Kindling Lambing 23. Which of the following animal improvement methods would result in production of hybrids? Cross breeding Inbreeding Outbreeding Selection 24. Which of the following reactions would be shown by animals grazing under conditions of high temperature? I. Reduced grazing II. Increased water intake III. Staying out of shade I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III 25. Brooding is carried out in the rearing of Fowls Goats Pigs Rabbits 26. Which of the following practices increases the probability of a nanny goat to produce twins? Creep feeding Deworming Flushing Steaming up 27. Which of the following substances are used as feed additives? I. Antibodies II. Enzymes III. Proteins I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III 28. A farmer who makes use of a footbath on a poultry farm is preventing Congenital diseases Hormonal diseases Deficiency diseases Pathogenic diseases 29. In order to save energy, a farmer may reseed his pasture by Broadcasting Drilling Plugging Sodding 30. Which of the following statements about training dogs are correct? I. The trainer needs to be patient II. Instructions should be concise III. Corrective measures must be immediate I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and III 31. The common name for Andropogon gayanus is Gamba grass Bermuda grass PongoIa grass Giant star grass 32. A grassland management practice in which the grazing area is divided into paddocks and animals are moved systematically from one paddock to another is known as Deferred grazing Continuous grazing Strip grazing Rotational grazing 33. Wallows are provided in a pig sty to Cool down the pig’s body Restrain sow for piglets to suckle Make handling of pigs easy Provide drinking water for piglets 34. One major advantage of using bamboo for the construction of storage bins is that it Absorbs water from the product Has reasonable durability Is inexpensive to maintain Possesses good insulation property 35. A symptom of Gumboro disease in poultry is Swollen eyes Whitish diarrhoea Distorted neck Nervousness 36. Which of the following animal improvement methods leads to heterosis? Cross breeding Inbreeding Outbreeding Selection 37. A good laying hen has Fleshy thighs Moist vent Thick keel bones Large body size 38. Large rabbits should be lifted by the Ears Hips Legs Shoulders 39. One disadvantage of establishing pasture in a forest area is that High rainfall make forage crops unproductive Pests would destroy the pasture It would be difficult for animals to graze Land clearing cost is high 40. As part of preparations to receive day-old chicks, a brooder house should be treated with Anthelminthic Antibiotic Coccidiostat Disinfectant 41. The first activity to be undertaken to ensure the survival of a new-born lamb is the Provision of warmth for the lamb Provision of milk for the lamb Removal of mucus from the nostrils and eyes of the lamb Vaccination of the lamb 42. Which of the following statements about rangeland are correct? It I. Provides shelter for animals II. Supplies only one kind of feed to ruminants III. Helps to improve fertility of the soil I and III only I and III only II and III only I , II and III 43. One way of preventing the sow from harming the young piglets is to Provide farrowing rails in the pens Tether sows Creep feed piglets Separate piglets from sow 44. An advantage of the intensive system of keeping animals is that It saves feed It saves labour Animal can breed easily It has low initial capital expenditure 45. Which of the following diseases is spread through faecal contamination of feed? Fowl pox Coccidiosis Gumboro Newcastle 46. Using a bull: cow ratio of 1 :25, determine the number of bulls require to serve 400 cows 9 16 25 40 47. The removal of skins and hides of farm animals after slaughtering is termed Dressing Flaying Fleshing Singeing 48. A breeding programme may include some inbreeding so as to Produce crossbreds Produce pure lines Produce healthy offspring’s Prevent indiscriminate mating 49. The gestation period of the grasscutter is 32 days 115 days 152 days 180 days 50. Dogs lose heat through Eating Panting Sleeping Sweating Submit for Marking Like