February 8, 2022 WASSCE Animal Husbandry WASSCE Animal Husbandry 2004 – Paper 1 WASSCE Animal Husb. 2004 1. Vitamins synthesized in the stomach of ruminants include Vitamins A and D Vitamins A and E Vitamins B and C Vitamins B and E 2.An important factor to consider when selecting a feed ingredient for forrnulating poultry rations is the Colour Durability Temperature Nutritional value 3. Cassava is usually boiled before being fed to animals in order to Reduce the starch content Reduce the amount of hydrocyanic acid in it Increase the carbohydrate content Increase it digestibility 4. Which of the following feed ingredients supplies enough vitamins to farm animals? Leafy vegetables Fish meal Bone meal Oyster shell 5. In adult animals, calcium deficiency results in Grass tetany Osteomalacia Pica Rickets 6. Which of the following plants is a shrub for feeding livestock? Andropogon gayanus Centrosema pubescence Cynodon dactylon Leucaena leucocephal 7. Farm animals used for traction require high amounts of Carbohydrate Protein Vitamins Water 8. Which of the following disease of cattle is transmitted to humans through milk? Babesiosis Foot and mouth disease Mastitis Tuberculosis 9. Which of the following methods is the best to control the outbreak of Newcastle disease? Routine drenching of birds Routine vaccination Administration of sulphur drugs Strict and regular inspection of birds 10. Which of the following statements about parasite is true? They cause feed spoilage They feed temporarily on their hosts They live on the skin of their hosts They establish physiological relationship with their hosts. 11. Mange in farm animals is caused by fleas lice mites ticks 12. A large infestation of lice on fowls could lead to cessation of egg production production of more feathers cannibalism in birds hens eating their eggs 13. A disease which can be transmitted from farm animals to humans is said to be acute contagious endemic zoonotic 14. Which if the following disease of ruminants could be prevented by vaccination? I. Anthrax II. Brucellosis III. Mastitis IV. Rinderpest I, II and Ill only I, II and IV only I. II and IV only I, Ill and IV only. 15. Sterility in farm animals could result from Nutritional deficiency Worm infestation Poor housing conditions Use of animals for ploughing. 16. The correct sequence of the life cycle of a tick is Egg -> nymph-› larva -› adult Egg – >larva-› adult -› nymph Egg -> nymph -> adult->larva Egg -› larva -› nymph – adult 17. Which of the following organisms are ectoparasites? Ascaris Coccidian Liver fluke Louse 18. The causal agent of African swine fever is a Bacterium Coccidian Protozoon Virus 19 Which of the following disease is controlled by the use of anthelmintics? Ascariasis Babesiosis Bloat Mange 20. A grass-legume mixture fed to animals could prevent Bloat Diarrhoea Skin sores Vomiting 21. Heat period is the best time to mate animals because It is the beginning of the breeding cycle At that time females start producing milk Libido of males is high at that time Female animals are willing to accept the males at that time. 22. A disadvantage of artificial insemination in animal production is that The cost of storage of semen may be high There could be high rate of venereal disease infection The birth and development of the offspring are related The cost of transporting animals to the farm may be high. 23. Most hybrid vigor is expressed by traits with The highest heritability The lowest heritability Heritability’s that cannot be measured Heritability’s that is variable. 24. When temperature are within the thermo- neutral zone, egg production in layers is Constant Highest Lowest Variable. 25. pig weighed 13kg at weaning and 88kg at slaughter. If it had consumed 230kg of feed, ratio. What is its conversion ratio 2.28:1 2.26:1 3.07:1 6.77:1 26. Which of the following pairs of body parts is found in cattle? Snout and jowl Muzzle and hump Ham and dewlap Paw and pastern 27. Which of the following factor should be used in selecting pig breeding stock? Presence of eight pairs of functional teats Ability to produce eight piglets per litter Ability to reproduce yearly High feed conversion efficiency 28. What is the ideal ambient temperature for 9-day broiler chicks and that for day old chicks 25°C 27°C 30°C 35°C 29. White leghorn is widely used in west Africa as layers because It produces eggs which are always in high demand It does not go broody very easily It is more tolerant to tropical diseases Its meat is tender and white. 30. One major problem facing the animal industry is High disease prevalence rate Very high ambient temperatures Inadequate marketing outlets Unavailability of water. 31. Which of the following characteristics are found in birds with low egg production rate? I. Pale and flat combs II. Dull face pigmentation. III. Bright plumage Option 1 Option 2 31. Which of the following characteristics are found in birds with low egg production rate? I. Pale and flat combs II. Dull face pigmentation. III. Bright plumage I and II only I and III only II and III only I,II and III only 32. The recommended crude protein of feed for layer chixks during the first six weeks is 13% 16% 19% 22% 33. A bird between the age of 10 weeks to 18 weeks can best be called a Broiler Finisher Grower Layer 34. A pullet start laying when it is 12-14 weeks 20 – 22 weeks 26 – 28 weeks 30 – 32 weeks 35. Long straw is not suitable as liter material in poultry production because it could block the respiratory tract of fowls is not absorbent makes the floor untidy restricts free movement of fow 36. Poultry farmers would prefer to sell their broilers at an early age to avoid disease outbreak cut down on cost of production obtain birds with tender bones create room for new stock of day-old chicks 37. A restless sow with reddened and swollen vulva is likely to be diseased pregnant on heat about to farrow 38. Dogs lose heat mainly through eating. panting sleeping sweating 39. Dogs are put on adequate nutrition one week before mating to minimize mortality in embryos support the growth of the foestus increase the number of ova released produce sufficient milk for hunnies 40. A breed of cattle that is trypanosome- tolerant is Muturu Red bororo Sokoto gudali White Fulani. 41. A cattle disease caused by reduction in blood calcium level is known as Pregnancy toxemia Milk fever ketosis Anthrax 42. The first activity to be taken to ensure the survival of a new-born lamb is the Provision of shelter and warmth to the lamb Provision of milk to the lamb Removal of mucus from the nostrils and eyes of the lamb Vaccination of the lamb 43. Which of the following statement explains why some farmers oppose open castration? Pain is inflicted on animals There is possibility of secondary infection Castrates have retarded growth There is loss of blood. 44. Which of the following methods could be used to make feed available to cattle over dry season I. Production of maize during the dry season II. Increasing the acreage under pasture III. Reducing the number of cattle per hectare I and II only I and III only II and III only I, II and Ill only 45. One disadvantage of establishing pasture in a forest area is that High rainfall would make pasture unproductive Pests would destroy the pasture It would be difficult for animals to graze Land clearing cost could be high 46. Which of the following statement about a mixed pasture of Centrosema and elephant grass is true? The mixture provides a balanced ration Silage cannot be produced from the mixture The rate of pasture establishment is reduced The mixture loses its palatability 47. The gestation period of the Grasscutter is 42 days 115 days 152 days 180 days 48. The hunting of Grasscutter is permitted throughout the year because the Grasscutter Is a prolific breeder Produces delicious meat Can hide easily Is found all over the country 49. The only member of a bee colony that stings is the Drone Queen Soldier Worker 50. Which of the following conditions may cause swarming of bees from their hives? Regular harvesting of honey Inability of an old queen to lay eggs Placing the hive near a source of water Absence of flowers close to the hive 51. Peste des petit ruminants (PPR) is caused by Bacteria Fungi Worms Viruses 52. Pigs may be bred to reduce Tail length Litter size Milk production Back- fat thickness 53. In animal Breeding, liquid nitrogen is used for Inducing heat in females Inducing ejaculation in males The collection of semen The storage of semen. 54. Birds reduce their body temperature through Crowing Moulting Panting Roosting 55. A good breed of domestic fowl for dual purpose production is the White leghorn Rode island red Dark Cornish White Plymouth rock 56. Which of the following groups of factor must be effectively controlled in artificial incubation? Temperature and humidity Light and ventilation Temperature and light Ventilation and candling 57. The main function of the air sac in an egg is to Regulate egg embryo Insulate the embryo Facilitate gaseous exchange Eliminate waste product 58. The correct sequence of steps in slaughtering livestock Stunning, severing of blood vessels bleeding, flaying Stunning, bleeding severing of blood vessels flaying Severing of blood vessel stunning bleeding flaying Severing of blood vessels, bleeding stunning flaying. 59. The gestation period in sows is approximately 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 60. A disadvantage of natural incubation is that It takes a longer period for eggs to be hatch The chicks are less healthy The eggs cannot be candled The brooding hen sometimes abandons the eggs Submit for Marking Like