How BECE is Graded
Below are marks and their grades in BECE.
- 90-100 is graded as 1, GRADE AA+. It is the HIGHEST grade in the grading system.
- 80-89, the second category in this classification is graded as 2, GRADE A. it is denoted as HIGHER.
- 70-79, is grade 3, a B+ and is described as HIGH.
- 60 -69 is grade 4, GRADE B, described as HIGH AVERAGE.
- 55 – 60 is GRADE C+, classified as 5 and described as AVERAGE.
- LOW AVERAGE is a description of marks falling between 50-54 and GRADE C; number 6 in the grading system.
- Any mark ranging between 40-49 is considered as GRADE D+ and number 7; described as LOW
- 35-39 is GRADE E which is number 8, described as LOWER in the Stanine grading system.
- GRADE F, 9 characterized by 9 is the LOWEST grade, which falls between 0-34.